Keep Your Colon Healthy: 4 Life-Changing Reasons to Keep Your Colon Healthy

Do you struggle with constipation? Clean up the mess in your colon. When you begin any kind of weight loss regiment, make sure to start with a quick colon cleanse. If you decide to participate in some type of alternative health program to assist in overcoming a serious disease like cancer, begin with an internal colon cleansing. If you are sick and tired of being "unhealthy" and you decide it's time to get healthy...your first step should be to get your colon healthy.


Because you can't truly have good health until you eliminate the ticking time-bomb in your colon. And, unless you purposefully pursue colon healing, it won't matter what you do to "get healthy," because the trouble brewing in your colon will not just go away...and colon health is imperative for life-long health.

Every last thing you eat (pizza, burgers, chips, candy, hot dogs, soda, additives, preservatives, nitrites, trans fats, every processed food, refined sugars, etc.) at one point or another ends up in your colon. Now, your colon does the best it can to process everything, take what nutrients are available, absorb them and pass them on to the rest of our body, and get rid of all the "junk" left over. But, let's be honest, in today's fast food lifestyle, we stuff our faces with a lot of food (at least we call it food) that has very little nutritional value...making our colons into giant garbage cans rather than the systems they were designed to be.

The end result is not a pretty picture. And that is part of the problem. We can't see what is going on in our colons or what things are beginning to look like. So, for most of us, we don't even realize there is a problem, and a potentially very serious one at that...

Eliminate Constipation

Serious enough to cause extreme constipation. You should be going to the bathroom at least once a day. How often do you go? A good colon cleanse may be just what you need.

Lose Weight

Serious enough to cause incredible amounts of weight gain. I have heard that during autopsies as much as 40 pounds of sludge has been found in individuals' colons. That is 40 pounds of "garbage" that accumulated and built up over the years, and the colon was unable to properly digest and eliminate it.

If you were trying to lose weight, would you be happy if you could knock 40 pounds right off the top? How about 20 pounds? What about even 10 pounds? And remember, this could all be done before your even start an exercise program.You can potentially experience this type of colonic weight loss if you decide to get and keep your colon healthy.

Decrease Your Risk of Life-Threatening Diseases

Serious enough to cause life-threatening diseases - including cancer. Internal colon cleansing is an absolute necessity for people this sick. In fact, regular and close adherence to a colon cleanse recipe and diet is vital for someone with this type of disease. But prevention is the key here. A healthy colon should considerably lower your risk of cancer and other serious diseases as well.

Improve Digestion, Nutrition, and Overall Health

Serious enough to keep any nutritious or beneficial foods or supplements you eat from being of much or any value to your body. You may very well be wasting your money on the vitamins you take. You see, once things reach a certain point the walls of your colon, through which nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream, become impacted and caked with a cocktail of old, hardened half-digested food and half-fecal matter, and this keeps your body from being able to absorb and utilize the "good" stuff you eat.

Do you think you need a good colon cleanse? If your diet is anything less than perfect, and whose isn't, you very likely do.

So what actually happens when our colons begin to slowly fill up with this undigested and non-eliminated sludge? Here is what one doctor has to say about the matter:

"The heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host of putrefaction. The blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances. Here is the beginning of true autointoxication on a physiological level."

~ Dr. Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.d

Another doctor takes the "grossometer" up another level or two. She makes the claim that just about all of us have parasitic critters living in our bowels (along with all the poisoned garbage that Dr. Jensen referenced). Here is what she has to say in reference to the parasites:

"Everybody has them. If left to live and breed inside your stomach, small and large intestines and colon, they will eventually cause you to puff up, gain lots of weight, get sick more often, and take many, many years off your life!"

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst

Do you think that could be happening inside your colon? The answer for the vast majority of us is, unfortunately, yes. We all really do need colon cleanse health.

So, the end result - beyond constipation, weight gain, and a general decline in good health - is to slowly poison your entire body, which will probably lead to a very serious and potentially deadly health condition.

Thus, taking good care of your colon truly is a life-changing solution. It may be one of the most important things you can do for your health. And it does not matter what stage of life you are in, or if you are overweight or not, or whether you feel fine or not...odds are your colon is not anywhere close to being at optimal health and free from sludge. In fact, you should be doing at least a quick colon cleanse at least a couple times a year to keep your colon healthy.

It may not sound like the most fun thing to do (and it looks downright nasty - see image above), but it may be one of the best steps you can take toward better health right now. In fact, getting and keeping your colon healthy is a critical step and prerequisite to overall good health. So cleanse your colon and start enjoying and practicing better health today.

Good Health to You,


Recommended Products:
Master Cleanse
Weight Loss and Colon Health
Natural Cleansing Methods